Objective function, Cost function, Loss function
목적함수 vs 손실함수 (objective function vs cost function), 둘의 차이점은?
Occam's razor
오컴의 면도날 법칙 (Occam’s razor or Ockham’s razor)
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
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Feature Engineering & Preprocessing for NLP
Before we consider diverse models to predict, pretty clean and well-organized ingredients, we are going to call feataures, should be well-prepared. Here, preprocessing and Feature engineering will be covered but these process are limited in NLP field. (Ofc, these concepts could be applied to fields.)
Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)
working now
[Review | 논문리뷰] data2vec: A General Framework for Self-supervised Learning in Speech, Vision and Language
Linear Regression
[코드리뷰 | 개념] Linear Regression
Data 톺아보기
Bayesian Optimization (BO)
Bayesian Optimization (베이지안 최적화) 란?
Multivariate vs Multivariable
Multivariate (다변량) vs Multivariable (다변수)란?
Dimensionality Reduction
차원 축소는 무엇일까? 쉽게 생각하면 그냥 말 그대로 차원을 축소한다는 말이다.